Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Do you pay too much for energy?

When I bought my house in September last year,  I really delved into 'boring' but important matters such as insurance, gas, water and light for the first time. A new house - whether it is rent or for sale - is the reason to revise all these things again and see if you can save.

After I was able to switch to cheaper car insurance at the beginning of this year and thus saved more than on an annual basis, I also started the search for a cheap energy supplier. Because especially in the winter months I am quite shocked by my gas and electricity bill. It rose to over in the coldest month!

I strongly felt that it should be cheaper.

And nowadays energy can be excellent green and cheap. I investigated: what does the average Dutch person pay for gas and/or electricity companies NZ.  How does my energy bill compare to the average Dutch person? And where can I find cheap and green energy?

Average energy consumption

The energy consumption in a home depends on a number of things:

  • Type of energy: only electricity or also gas? 
  • Type of house : you can imagine that you use less energy in an apartment than in a detached villa.
  • Household composition: a household with 10 people obviously uses more energy than a one-person household.
  • Year of construction: the newer the house, the better it is often insulated and the less gas you use for your heating.

How much energy do I use annually?

I have not lived in my new home for a full year, so I cannot see the costs accurately for a full year. The amount of my energy bill has also varied enormously in recent months. That is not surprising, because in winter you naturally use much more gas (heating) than in summer.

Average consumption from December 2018 to August 2019 was:

  • Gas : 58m3 per month
  • Electricity: 105 kWh per month

The forecast is that I will consume around 800m3 of gas per year and around 1400 kWh of electricity.

Costs gas & electricity

In the app of my energy supplier I can easily see what I use per month and what the costs are. For example, in the cheapest month (August) I paid $ 48 last year, while I paid over $ 160 in January. Per month I pay on average about:

Average consumption for my living situation

I investigated what the average Dutch person  consumes in my living situation. That means:

  • Type of energy:  electricity & gas
  • Type of house : flat / apartment
  • Household composition:  1 person
  • Manufacturing year:  1965 - 1974.

In this case, the average Dutch person consumes 1000 m3 of gas  and 1930 kWh of electricity . Certainly in terms of electricity, I am well below that!

Switch to a cheap energy supplier

Because I had already made the above calculation, I was able to quickly enter my details via energiedirect.nl and discover whether and how much I could save on energy.

And that turned out to be quite a large amount! If I take out a 2-year contract (which I could already do as of December 1, as my current contract will expire), I will only pay € 79 per month for green electricity and gas. That is annual savings of almost € 200 ! When I take out a one-year contract, I pay € 81 per month, which is still many times lower than I do now.

Read More: https://dinomori3.wixsite.com/ecotricitynz/post/how-can-you-tackle-power-pollution-from-charging-stations

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