Saturday, December 28, 2019

Which energy suppliers are there?

In 2018, no fewer than 47 energy suppliers are active on the Dutch market. The majority supplies electricity and gas to private and business customers. 12 energy companies focus exclusively on the small and / or large business market.

There are energy companies that only supply electricity but do not generate electricity. These suppliers purchase electricity from energy producers at home and abroad. On the other hand, there are also a number of energy suppliers that are producers themselves and therefore own power stations and wind farms. These are generally the major energy companies operating in the Netherlands, such as Essent, Nuon, Eneco, E.ON and Engie (formerly GDF Suez). But also a number of smaller suppliers, such as Pure Energie and Qurrent, which generate sustainable energy themselves.

Liberalization of energy market
For the liberalization of the energy market in 2004, consumers did not have a choice of different power providers companies nz, because depending on the place of residence, the network operator and the energy supplier were determined. At that time, only 12 license holders were active for electricity. Since then, the number of energy suppliers has almost quadrupled.

The competition that has arisen after liberalization has had a positive influence on the electricity and gas prices. In addition, the energy companies are more motivated to develop new customer-oriented technologies and additional services, such as a smart meter.

Market leaders
Some of the companies that were already active in the Netherlands prior to liberalization are still among the largest energy suppliers in the Netherlands. Market leader is Essent, which together with its subsidiary EnergieDirect has more than 3 million customers in the Netherlands. Essent is part of the German energy group Innogy, which is again a subsidiary of the German RWE.

Eneco and Nuon are also among the largest energy companies in the Netherlands with 2.4 and 2.0 million customers respectively. This is followed by the Nuts Group, which includes BudgetEnergie and NLE. According to estimates, this concern has around 600,000 customers in the Netherlands. Finally, Greenchoice is now also one of the larger energy suppliers in the Netherlands. The brand is 70 percent owned by Energie Concurrent BV and 30 percent owned by Eneco.

The remainder of the Dutch energy market consists of smaller independent energy suppliers. Research from WiseNederland shows that the smaller suppliers occupy an increasing percentage of the market. In particular, companies that exclusively supply green energy are growing rapidly.

Green energy suppliers
31 of the 47 energy companies only supply sustainable electricity from water, wind, biomass and sun. It must be said, however, that these are largely smaller suppliers with a limited market share. Many electricity suppliers also purchase green electricity certificates (GVOs) from abroad.

According to WiseNederland, Pure Energie and Qurrent are the most sustainable energy suppliers in the Netherlands. The companies only produce and supply solar and wind energy generated in the Netherlands.

The suppliers below only supply green electricity (mainly wind energy), the majority of which is produced in the Netherlands. These energy suppliers are classified by WiseNederland as 'truly green energy suppliers', because they stimulate the generation and supply of sustainable energy in the Netherlands.

The larger energy company Eneco is also working hard when it comes to a sustainable power supply. The group invests heavily in wind energy and only supplies green energy to private and small business customers. Eneco is assessed with a 7.9 by WiseNederland.

Another positive development is that the supply of green electricity is becoming less frequent due to the use of foreign electricity certificates. An increasing number of companies are purchasing renewable wind or solar electricity from Dutch electricity producers.

Gray energy suppliers
There are still 16 energy suppliers that supply gray electricity to households, for example from oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy. This also includes the major energy companies: Essent and Nuon.

Only 3 energy providers only supply gray electricity. These are Robin Energie, Naked Energy, and the Russian Gazprom that only supplies to the large business market.

Here  an overview of the energy suppliers (private market) and how they are assessed on sustainability.

A number of suppliers in the Netherlands also only supply green energy, but use foreign energy sources for this. This electricity is (mainly) purchased abroad with the help of green certificates of origin (GOs), for example at hydroelectric power stations in Scandinavia. WiseNederland classifies these energy companies as 'sjoemelstroom' suppliers. There is no incentive to produce more sustainable energy in the Netherlands.

Electricity producers
A small part of energy companies are also electricity producers in addition to electricity. This includes, among others, the large energy companies (Essent, Eneco, Nuon and Engie), but also a number of smaller companies, such as GreenChoice, Pure Energie, Qurrent and HVC Energie. The other energy suppliers purchase electricity from trading houses and sell it on to consumers and entrepreneurs.

Electricity producers (international)
The following companies are internationally active as a power producer:

Essent (RWE)
Electricity producers (the Netherlands)
The following companies are active exclusively as electricity producers in the Netherlands:

Pure Energy
The transition to sustainable energy takes a lot of time. Suppliers with many customers cannot easily switch to completely green electricity. Certainly not to green electricity that is only generated in the Netherlands. The capacity is too limited for that. Many (large) energy companies do invest in the use of sustainable energy sources, particularly in wind farms.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Switching to another energy supplier, is that useful?

The rising prices for electricity make it more worthwhile to compare different energy suppliers. Yet for many Belgians it turns out to be less expensive not to switch to another energy supplier and they often do better to stay where they are. How do you make the right choice?

Nearly a family in five took advantage of the option in 2017 to switch smoothly to another electricity supplier. In Flanders it was 19.8% of households, in Wallonia it was 19.1% and in Brussels it was 11.0%.

Individuals can change suppliers at any time. A cancellation period of 1 month is sufficient, regardless of whether they have a contract of a definite or an indefinite duration. It also doesn't matter that the contract is with a fixed or variable price. The supplier where they board may not charge a termination compensation for this.

Fixed annual fee as a brake to make the switch
A number of companies have nevertheless found something to curb the number of transfers. For example, they charge a fixed fee per delivery year in their contracts. This can be done pro rata according to the number of months delivered, but also immediately for a whole year. If you then switch quickly and pay for a whole year, you will lose that fixed fee.

Fixed-price contract is currently cheaper
The recent price increases also mean that switching now will yield less benefit. Between December 2016 and December 2017, the energy component in the total electricity price for household customers in Belgium had already risen by around 12%. The failure of the capacity of a number of nuclear power stations in Belgium has put even more pressure on the price. Anyone who has a fixed-price contract for a number of months or years can benefit from lower rates and therefore usually has little benefit from switching to a different company.

Group purchase
Anyone who intends to participate in a group purchase to get the most out of it can remain quite vigilant. A study by the specialist website energizer shows  that in a number of cases an individual contract is even cheaper. This makes it possible, for example, to choose separate suppliers for gas and electricity, while these are often bundled in a group purchase. In addition, a number of companies sometimes give new customers a welcome discount, which you will miss if you opt for a group purchase.

Compare yourself with the CREG scan
If you want to see how competitive your contract is, you can always do a CREG energy scan  on the website of the Commission for the Regulation of Electricity and Gas. There you will see which formula is currently most suitable for you.

This comparison is now especially useful for those who have not switched to a new supplier in all those years and therefore still have a 'historical' contract. This is often less favorable than the new agreements. Some 30 percent of families would have such a 'sleeping' contract.

Get more details: nz power companies

Monday, October 7, 2019

Compare energy suppliers in New Zealand: compare suppliers for electricity

Comparing energy suppliers can cost a lot of energy! Comparing suppliers yourself is time-consuming and can be tricky. That is why it is important for you to compare all providers with a party that knows the Belgian energy market well, a market that is constantly on the move. Therefore, compare the energy suppliers for gas and electricity on CallMePower. We compare every month all rates and different formulas of the energy suppliers in Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels, whether you are looking for a good electricity supplier or natural gas supplier? Calculate which energy supplier is the cheapest in our online price comparator that compares all available rates. Easily see which electricity and natural gas provider suits you best in a few clicks and start saving!

Compare energy suppliers
Do you want to use natural gas or electricity or both? Then you an energy contract should conclude with an energy supplier . Every energy supplier offers different contracts, with different prices and the conditions differ among themselves. Comparing energy suppliers is therefore important . Due to the extensive range, comparing energy suppliers , prices and conditions are time-consuming. We help you make the right and affordable choice . You can read more about how you can compare energy here.

Comparing energy suppliers is more than just listing prices . After all, you also want to make a comparison of providers on other aspects . You can only compare energy suppliers if you have a complete overview of the suppliers. Below we list the entire list with an overview of the energy suppliers for household customers and SMEs that offer electricity and natural gas in New Zealand.

Compare how green the energy suppliers are
In addition to the general information about suppliers in New Zealand, such as rates , all current prices, contact details and any additional services , you will also find a comparison of the green supply at energy suppliers . In the table below you can also compare how 'green' it performs according to Greenpeace for the generation (electricity production), the purchase or origin of electricity and the investment policy of the energy suppliers.

compare electricity rates with energy suppliers
Looking for a (new) electricity supplier ? If you would like to compare the energy suppliers for electricity, you can do that is our electricity price comparator . You are not obliged to use the same energy supplier for your electricity and natural gas. We make a complete comparison of all electricity suppliers in New Zealand, Brussels and Wallonia based on your personal consumption profile and zip code . In a few clicks you have compared the energy suppliers for electricity!

Get more details:

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Compare power, read in & save immediately

Electricity rates, what are these?
In the search for electricity you will immediately notice the electricity rates, when choosing electricity you can choose from a fixed or variable rate at many electricity providers . If you opt for a fixed electricity tariff, you pay a fixed monthly amount for the entire contract term, you opt for certainty and do not fluctuate with current electricity prices. On the contrary with the choice for a variable electricity rate, these electricity rates can be increased or decreased a maximum of 2 times per year.

We recommend that you compare all power providers on the fixed energy rates , which are in all cases cheaper than a variable rate. However, there is a plus in variable energy contracts , they have no duration and you can cancel at any time with a 30-day cancellation period.

Day and night electricity rates
If you have a double consumption meter, it is often the case that you pay a different electricity tariff during the day than at night. If you have a single consumption meter, you always pay the same price per kWh of electricity. It happens in very few cases that a meter with two counting discs is cheaper than a meter with 1 counting disc. People are increasingly aware of this, and many energy suppliers therefore offer the option of switching from a double tariff to a single tariff.

Keep in mind that solar panels require a meter with two counting discs or the meter must not be locked with a return block. If you do not comply with this, you will not be able to supply electricity back to the electricity grid.

Green & gray electricity, the difference
Green & gray electricity, you will probably hear these two concepts once in a while. When choosing electricity you have to make a choice between these two types of current. If you choose green electricity, then you are assured that this electricity is generated sustainably. If you opt for gray electricity, this electricity is generated from fossil fuels that are anything but environmentally friendly.

Today, the Netherlands is in an energy transition and electricity suppliers are taking advantage of this, it is now possible for every supplier to purchase green energy. From now on it is even difficult to find a supplier that still supplies completely gray electricity.

More and more people have become aware of negative environmental effects, so every year we see an increase in the choice for sustainable, green energy.

Get more details: electricity companies nz